Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our Hall and Reception's music to share :)

In the name of Allah the Almighty

hey guys.

InshaAllah am gonna get married in a month time. Yay! tak saba giler.  As for the venue, inshaAllah we're going to have our reception at a community hall ( Dewan Pudina-hakmilik MBSA). Sad to say, the dewan is not equipped with aircond :(. but its located on quite a high ground so kindof breezy jugaklah. lucky.
yelah, taknaklah dewan yg panas, we pengantins kan pakai baju yg tebal/berlapis, then nak jumpe ramai2 orang. RIMASSSS-PANASSSS ok. so i prefer dewan yg sejuk je :). lebih selesa nak greet all the tetamus. Dan tetamus juge lebih selesa nak makan-makan serta bergambar dengan pengantin. hehheh ;D

Our reception won't take forever. only 2 hours. from 12.30-2.30. Im glad abah decided to end the reception at 2.30. so that we wont rush-rush sgt nak kejar waktu zuhur. The menu for reception...errr i dunno. tu semua keje abah. Abah yg decide nak amek catering mane, makan ape tu sume. I will just follow je :)

During the 2hours reception, cadangnye nak sewa a PA system. i dont want a DJ. just nak play lagu je. taknak ade org cakap2 tu. And for the music, i choose to go for the soft instrumental music. takde org nyanyi-nyanyi. My plan is to create a soothing atmosphere for my reception. :)

So guys, you can try listening to my list of reception's music by downloading it HERE :)

If you are free, do Drop me a comment after listening. EnjoY! :)

May Allah bless you! 


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precious words to the princess and the knight